Our final upgrade implementation plan (from 2015 Q4 CU1 to 2016 Q4 CU3)
Originally posted on Jun 22, 2017
Here is our final implementation plan. I will write up a further post highlighting parts that may be particularly useful.
Note that some additional fixes are listed here: A successful upgrade
Live Upgrade from 2015 Q4 CU1 to 2016 Q4 CU3 plan
This plan is for the Blackboard LIVE Upgrade from Bb 9.1 2015 Q4 CU1 to 9.1 2016 Q4 CU3.
Server Address
Blackboard preproduction is made up of four applications nodes, a tasks node, an Oracle 12C database, and a NFS server.
tasks.node.ip.removed – tasks node
web1.node.ip.removed – web node
web2.node.ip.removed – web node
web3.node.ip.removed – web node
web4.node.ip.removed – web node
oracle.node.ip.removed – Oracle database
NFS.node.ip.removed – NFS server
Where "on each node" is stated, this refers to each node on which the Blackboard application runs, i.e. the tasks node and the web nodes.
Summary of stages
- Stage 1 covers work that can be carried out during the working week prior to the weekend upgrade. This work concerns preparing files in advance. This stage will be dealt with as a separate RFC.
- Stage 2 covers taking snapshot backups and starting the live upgrade window. This marks the beginning of the main RFC.
- Stage 3 is Oracle patching.
- For the new installer to work correctly certain passwords have to be set to be the same value. Stage 4 entails setting the passwords up correctly and ensuring that Blackboard is working with the new passwords before upgrading.
- Stage 5 covers upgrading Java and upgrading Blackboard to the new version.
- Having successfully upgraded Blackboard we must make various configuration changes. Stage 6 covers changes due to Java 1.8 and fixes to known issues.
- Stage 7 encompasses changes made by BB_ADMIN_ROLE team via the GUI and testing.
- In Stage 8 we check that Blackboard restarts ok.
- Stage 9 involves tidying up after successful testing.
- Stage 10 is when we make the service available again to end-users.
Stage 1 - Prior Preparation
Stage 1 covers work that can be carried out during the working week prior to the weekend upgrade. This work concerns preparing files in advance.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE and DBA: confirm and agree password to be used.
- DBA: Prepare files for Oracle patching.
- LINUX_ROLE: Prepare installation files on each node.
- >> as bbuser
- >> on each node
- cd /usr/local
- chown -R bbuser\: bbinstaller
- Download the installer to /usr/local/bbinstaller on each node.
- Go to https://support.blackboard.com and log in.
- Go to page https://behind.blackboard.com/downloads/details.aspx?d=1766
- Click on Learn 9.1 Q4 2016 Cumulative Update 3 Installer.
- Click on I agree to the terms and conditions above.
- Click Get File.
- Download will start.
- Note: Installer has already been downloaded to:
- "J:\iSolutions\Service Delivery\eLearning\Blackboard\upgrade_201718\2016-Q4\Installer\2016-Q4-CU3" on 28/4/17.
- Unzip the installer to /usr/local/bbinstaller/
- Set files under /usr/local/bbinstaller to be owned by bbuser:bbuser
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Copy /usr/local/blackboard/config/license/blackboard-license.xml to /home/bbuser/ on each node
- >> as bbuser
- >> on each node
- cp /usr/local/blackboard/config/license/blackboard-license.xml /home/bbuser/
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: on each node create file at /usr/local/bbinstaller/installer.properties with following draft contents
- antargs.default.vi.db.password=[ ]
- antargs.default.users.administrator.password=xxxx
- antargs.default.users.integration.password=xxxx
- antargs.default.users.rootadmin.password=xxxx
- bbconfig.file.license=/home/bbuser/blackboard-license.xml
- bbconfig.java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Backup files under /usr/local/blackboard/docs/login/* to /home/bbuser/login.zip on each node.
- >> on each node
- cd /home/bbuser
- zip -r login.zip /usr/local/blackboard/docs/login/*
- >> set permissions
- chown bbuser:bbuser login.zip
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Back up the data_integration directory on the tasks node only (task node).
- >> On tasks node (task node)
- cd /home/bbuser
- zip -r data_integration.zip /usr/local/blackboard/data_integration/*
- >> Set permissions
- chown bbuser:bbuser data_integration.zip
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Back up the snapshot* files in /blackboard/apps/snapshot/data/ directory on the tasks node only.
- >> On tasks node (task node)
- cd /home/bbuser
- zip -r snapshotfiles.zip /usr/local/blackboard/apps/snapshot/data/snapshot.*
- >> set permissions
- chown bbuser:bbuser snapshotfiles.zip
Stage 2 - LIVE Upgrade Preparation
Stage 2 covers taking snapshot backups and starting the live upgrade window
- LINUX_ROLE: Remove Blackboard from NLB Pool, thus preventing user access.
- Locate the node objects for the front end servers and 'force offline'
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Stop Blackboard on each node, web nodes (web1 – web4) first, then tasks node (task node).
- >> On each node, web first, then tasks.
- >> web nodes may be stopped concurrently.
- service blackboard stop
- LINUX_ROLE: Take "Cold" VMware snapshot #1 on each node' (including db and NFS server).
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Remove the data_integration_log_b directory, to prevent log spam.
- >> as bbuser
- cd /data/bb/blackboard/content/vi/bb_bb60/lucene/
- rm -rf data_integration_log_b/
- LINUX_ROLE: Set files to be owned by bbuser:bbuser on each node.
- >> On each node
- find /data/bb/blackboard/ -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -not -name content | xargs -I {} chown -R bbuser\: {}
- LINUX_ROLE: Raise ulimit on each node.
- >> On each node
- >> Login as root
- - vim /etc/security/limits.conf
- - add following lines:
- * soft nofile 5000
- * hard nofile 65536
- >> Pay attention that # does not appear in front of either line
- - save
- - logout
- - login
- >> as root check:
- - ulimit -n
- - ulimit -Hn
- [root@~]# ulimit -n
- 5000
- [root@~]# ulimit -Hn
- 65536
- >> switch to bbuser and check is the same result:
- - su bbuser
- - ulimit -n
- - ulimit -Hn
- [bbuser@]$ ulimit -n
- 5000
- [bbuser@]$ ulimit -Hn
- 65536
Stage 3 - Oracle Patching
To reduce overall downtime we will apply the latest Oracle patchset to Blackboard
This section took about 25 Minutes during the Dev 1 upgrade.
This section took about 18 Minutes during the Dev 2 upgrade.
This section took about 25 Minutes during the Dev 1 upgrade.
This section took about 18 Minutes during the Dev 2 upgrade.
- DBA: Apply April 2017 Oracle patch as described at [[internal link]]
Stage 4 - Setting the passwords up
For the new installer to work correctly certain passwords have to be set to be the same value. Stage 4 entails setting the passwords up correctly and ensuring that Blackboard is working with the new passwords before upgrading.
This stage took 34 Minutes in the Dev 1 Upgrade
This stage took 1 Hour and 4 Minutes in the Preprod Upgrade
This stage took 34 Minutes in the Dev 1 Upgrade
This stage took 1 Hour and 4 Minutes in the Preprod Upgrade
- All: Verify that Blackboard is stopped on all nodes.
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: On each node edit the bb-config.properties file and ensure that relevant passwords are set to be the same value that has been agreed in Stage 1 above:
- >> on each node
- >> as bbuser
- nano /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties
- >> ensure
- bbconfig.database.server.systemuserpassword=PSWD_REMOVED
- bbconfig.database.admin.password=PSWD_REMOVED
- antargs.default.vi.db.password=PSWD_REMOVED
- antargs.default.vi.stats.db.password=PSWD_REMOVED
- antargs.default.vi.report.user.password=PSWD_REMOVED
- bbconfig.cs.db.cms-user.pass=PSWD_REMOVED
- bbconfig.cs.db.systemuser.pass=PSWD_REMOVED
- >> are all set to the same password agreed in Stage 1 Step 1.
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification step of above on each node:
- >> as bbuser
- cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties | grep PSWD_REMOVED |wc -l
- >> Result should equal 7.
- DBA: Create duplicate back up table in first two boxes of step 3 below and in Oracle set the passwords to be the same value (PSWD_REMOVED) for the following accounts:
- Preprod and Live
- “system”
- “sys”
- bb_bb60
- cms
- bbadmin
- bb_bb60_stats
- cms_doc
- Preprod and Live
- DBA: update passwords via SQL:
- select * from cms.xy_file_systems;
- _____________________________________________
- Create Table cms.xy_file_systems_bak
- As
- Select * from cms.xy_file_systems;
- _____________________________________________
- UPDATE cms.xy_file_systems
- _____________________________________________
- SELECT * FROM bbadmin.bb_instance;
- _____________________________________________
- Create Table bbadmin.bb_instance_bak
- As
- Select * from bbadmin.bb_instance;
- _____________________________________________
- UPDATE bbadmin.bb_instance
- WHERE PK1 = 1;
- DBA: Check that no database accounts are locked.
- select username,
- account_status
- from dba_users
- where lock_date is not null;
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: As bbuser, run pushconfigupdates.sh to ensure all new password settings in bb-config.properties have been propagated. Blackboard will start once completed. The push should be done:
- >> As bbuser
- >> On each node
- >> One node at a time, tasks node first, followed by web #nodes
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin/
- ./PushConfigUpdates.sh
- >> If Blackboard does not start then
- service blackboard start
- on each node,
- one node at a time starting with the tasks node task node
- after checking we can log in via GUI
- run pushconfig on web node web1
- after checking we can log in via GUI
- run pushconfig on next web node web2
- repeat until all nodes have been pushed (web3 and web4)
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Login to Blackboard on each node as they start and quickly test that it is working ok (login, add something to a course, log out.)
- ALL: Note: We now have passwords set as required in Blackboard.
- LINUX_ROLE: Take COLD VMware snapshot #2 on all nodes (including db and NFS).
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Stop Blackboard on each node (web nodes first (web1-web4), then tasks node (task node)) in preparation for upgrade. The web nodes can be stopped concurrently.
- >> on each node
- >> web nodes first, then tasks node
- service blackboard stop
- ALL: verify Blackboard unavailable.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Check via GUI
- APP_MNGR_ROLE/LINUX_ROLE: service blackboard status (on each node)
Stage 5 - The upgrade
Stage 5 covers upgrading Java and upgrading Blackboard to the new version.
This section took about 18 Minutes during the Dev 1 upgrade.
This section took about 13 Minutes during the Dev 2 upgrade.
This section took about 43 Minutes during the Preprod upgrade.
This section took about 18 Minutes during the Dev 1 upgrade.
This section took about 13 Minutes during the Dev 2 upgrade.
This section took about 43 Minutes during the Preprod upgrade.
Java Upgrade
- LINUX_ROLE Install Java 8 JDK on each node.
- >> On each node
- >> As root, or sudo:
- yum install java-1.8.0-oracle-devel.x86_64
- Is this ok [y/N]: y
- >> To check the latest version use:
- yum list available | grep 'java-1.8'
- LINUX_ROLE: Check java locations and alternates
- >> On each node
- alternatives --display java
- >> We should see Java 1.8 locations e.g.
- >> Current `best' version is /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64/bin/java
First full upgrade – tasks node tasks.node.ip.removed
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: using shell on tasks node tasks.node.ip.removed change user to bbuser
- adm su - bbuser
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Set JAVA_HOME to Java 8 JDK location; confirm JAVA_HOME set correctly; confirm JDK location in installation properties file is correct and matches above JDK location.
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64/ ; echo $JAVA_HOME ; cd /usr/local/bbinstaller ; sleep 5 ; less installer.properties
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Run upgrade [as bbuser]
- ./installer.sh -c /usr/local/bbinstaller/installer.properties | tee -a bb-installer-log.txt 2>&1
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE/LINUX_ROLE/or APP_MNGR_ROLE: During upgrade monitor two logs – could do this in two putty windows on big screen.
- tail -f /usr/local/bbinstaller/bb-installer-log.txt |more
- tail -f /usr/local/blackboard/logs/update-tools/update-tool-log.txt |more
First "app server only" upgrade – web node web1.node.ip.removed
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: using on web node web1.node.ip.removed change user to bbuser
- adm su - bbuser
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Set JAVA_HOME to Java 8 JDK location; confirm JAVA_HOME set correctly; confirm JDK location in installation properties file is correct and matches above JDK location.
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64/ ; echo $JAVA_HOME ; cd /usr/local/bbinstaller ; sleep 5 ; less installer.properties
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Run app-server only upgrade [as bbuser]
- ./installer.sh -c /usr/local/bbinstaller/installer.properties -a| tee -a bb-installer-log.txt 2>&1
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE/LINUX_ROLE/or APP_MNGR_ROLE: During upgrade monitor two logs – could do this in two putty windows on big screen.
- tail -f /usr/local/bbinstaller/bb-installer-log.txt |more
- tail -f /usr/local/blackboard/logs/update-tools/update-tool-log.txt |more
Second "app server only" upgrade – web node web2.node.ip.removed
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: using on web node web2.node.ip.removed change user to bbuser
- adm su - bbuser
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Set JAVA_HOME to Java 8 JDK location; confirm JAVA_HOME set correctly; confirm JDK location in installation properties file is correct and matches above JDK location.
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64/ ; echo $JAVA_HOME ; cd /usr/local/bbinstaller ; sleep 5 ; less installer.properties
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Run app-server only upgrade [as bbuser]
- ./installer.sh -c /usr/local/bbinstaller/installer.properties -a| tee -a bb-installer-log.txt 2>&1
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE/LINUX_ROLE/or APP_MNGR_ROLE: During upgrade monitor two logs – could do this in two putty windows on big screen.
- tail -f /usr/local/bbinstaller/bb-installer-log.txt |more
- tail -f /usr/local/blackboard/logs/update-tools/update-tool-log.txt |more
Third "app server only" upgrade – web node web3.node.ip.removed
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: using on web node web3.node.ip.removed change user to bbuser
- adm su - bbuser
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Set JAVA_HOME to Java 8 JDK location; confirm JAVA_HOME set correctly; confirm JDK location in installation properties file is correct and matches above JDK location.
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64/ ; echo $JAVA_HOME ; cd /usr/local/bbinstaller ; sleep 5 ; less installer.properties
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Run app-server only upgrade [as bbuser]
- ./installer.sh -c /usr/local/bbinstaller/installer.properties -a| tee -a bb-installer-log.txt 2>&1
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE/LINUX_ROLE/or APP_MNGR_ROLE: During upgrade monitor two logs – could do this in two putty windows on big screen.
- tail -f /usr/local/bbinstaller/bb-installer-log.txt |more
- tail -f /usr/local/blackboard/logs/update-tools/update-tool-log.txt |more
Forth "app server only" upgrade – web node web4.node.ip.removed
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: using on web node web4.node.ip.removed change user to bbuser
- adm su - bbuser
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Set JAVA_HOME to Java 8 JDK location; confirm JAVA_HOME set correctly; confirm JDK location in installation properties file is correct and matches above JDK location.
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64/ ; echo $JAVA_HOME ; cd /usr/local/bbinstaller ; sleep 5 ; less installer.properties
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Run app-server only upgrade [as bbuser]
- ./installer.sh -c /usr/local/bbinstaller/installer.properties -a| tee -a bb-installer-log.txt 2>&1
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE/LINUX_ROLE/or APP_MNGR_ROLE: During upgrade monitor two logs – could do this in two putty windows on big screen.
- tail -f /usr/local/bbinstaller/bb-installer-log.txt |more
- tail -f /usr/local/blackboard/logs/update-tools/update-tool-log.txt |more
Stage 6 - Applying Configuration Changes
Having successfully upgraded Blackboard we must make various configuration changes. These cover changes due to Java 1.8 and fixes to known issues.
This section took about 44 Minutes during the Dev 1 upgrade.
This section took about 40 Minutes during the Dev 2 upgrade.
This section took about 1 Hour 30 Minutes during the Preprod upgrade.
This section took about 44 Minutes during the Dev 1 upgrade.
This section took about 40 Minutes during the Dev 2 upgrade.
This section took about 1 Hour 30 Minutes during the Preprod upgrade.
- LINUX_ROLE: On each node apply first part of log spam fix:
- >> on each node
- mkdir -p /home/bbuser/.java/.userPrefs
- mkdir /home/bbuser/.java/.systemPrefs
- chown -R bbuser:bbuser /home/bbuser/.java/
- chmod 755 -Rv /home/bbuser/.java/
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: On each node restore branding in /home/bbuser/login.zip to /usr/local/blackboard/docs/login/
- >> on each node
- >> as bbuser
- cd /home/bbuser/;mkdir login-extracted;unzip login.zip -d login-extracted;cd login-extracted/usr/local/blackboard/docs/login;cp -n * /usr/local/blackboard/docs/login
- >> ignore message "cp: omitting directory `WEB-INF'"
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: on tasks node, restore data_integration directory.
- >>as bbuser
- >>on tasks node task node
- >>verify whether
- >> /usr/local/blackboard/data_integration/ folder has been wiped.
- >>If not ask BB_ADMIN_ROLE to double check contents
- >>If BB_ADMIN_ROLE agree it is ok, then skip the following.
- cd /home/bbuser/;mkdir data_integration-extracted;unzip data_integration.zip -d data_integration-extracted;cd data_integration-extracted/usr/local/blackboard/data_integration/;cp -n /home/bbuser/data_integration-extracted/* /usr/local/blackboard/data_integration
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Restore the snapshot.* files on the tasks node (task node).
- >>as bbuser
- >>on tasks node task node
- cd /home/bbuser/;mkdir snapshotfiles-extracted;unzip snapshotfiles.zip -d snapshotfiles-extracted;cd snapshotfiles-extracted/usr/local/blackboard/apps/snapshot/data/;cp -n snapshot.* /usr/local/blackboard/apps/snapshot/data/
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: on tasks node, restore PHOTOS directory.
- >>as bbuser
- >>on tasks node task node
- >>verify whether
- >> /usr/local/blackboard/content/PHOTOS/ folder has been wiped.
- >>If not ask BB_ADMIN_ROLE to double check contents
- >>If BB_ADMIN_ROLE agree it is ok, then skip the following.
- cd /home/bbuser/
- mkdir PHOTOS-extracted
- unzip PHOTOS.zip -d PHOTOS-extracted
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/content/PHOTOS/
- >>if data_integration directory has been removed, create a new one
- mkdir /usr/local/blackboard/content/PHOTOS/
- cp -n /home/bbuser/PHOTOS-extracted/* /usr/local/blackboard/content/PHOTOS/
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: In order to reduce time that it takes for Blackboard to services to stop as recommended at https://blackboard.secure.force.com/btbb_articleview?id=kAC7000000000FS, make following change to /usr/local/blackboard/apps/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf on each node:
- >> as bbuser
- >> On each node.
- >> Backing up file.
- >> Back up original wrapper.conf to /home/bbuser
- cp /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf.bb /home/bbuser/wrapper.conf.bb.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
- >> As bbuser
- >> On each node
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/
- vim /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf
- >> find the line
- wrapper.shutdown.timeout=300
- >> and change it to
- wrapper.shutdown.timeout=30
- >> find the line
- wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=15
- >> and change it to
- wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=5
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification of above on each node
- >>On each node
- cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf |grep wrapper.shutdown.timeout ; cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf |grep wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout
- >> result should be
- wrapper.shutdown.timeout=30
- wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=5
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: In order to reduce time that it takes for Blackboard to services to stop as recommended at https://blackboard.secure.force.com/btbb_articleview?id=kAC7000000000FS, make the following change to /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf.bb on each node:
- >> as bbuser
- >> On each node.
- >> Backing up file.
- >> Back up original wrapper.conf.bb to /home/bbuser
- cp /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf.bb /home/bbuser/wrapper.conf.bb.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
- >> As bbuser
- >> On each node
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/
- vim /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf.bb
- >> find the line
- wrapper.shutdown.timeout=300
- >> and change it to
- wrapper.shutdown.timeout=30
- >> find the line
- wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=15
- >> and change it to
- wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=5
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification of above on each node
- >>On each node
- cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf.bb |grep wrapper.shutdown.timeout ; cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf.bb |grep wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout
- >> result should be
- wrapper.shutdown.timeout=30
- wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=5
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: On each node update the http-cacheable-extensions.txt to include reference to resolve issues with Equation editor.
- >> on each node
- >> as bbuser
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/config/internal/
- nano http-cacheable-extensions.txt
- >> If not already present, add the following to the list in their alphabetical place:
- eot
- ttf
- woff
- >> and save it.
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification of above on each node
- >> As bbuser
- >> On each node
- grep 'eot\|ttf\|woff' /usr/local/blackboard/config/internal/http-cacheable-extensions.txt | wc -l
- >> Result must equal 3.
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: As bbuser edit bb-config.properties.template on each node and make the following change.
- >> as bbuser
- >> On each node.
- >> Backing up file.
- >> Back up original bb-config.properties.template to /home/bbuser
- cp /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties.template /home/bbuser/bb-config.properties.template.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
- >> as bbuser
- >> on each node
- nano /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties.template
- >> Update click jacking setting to resolve issue where
- >> SCORM learning objects suffer disconnections
- >> Blackboard case #02455370
- >> Change
- #bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=[none OR self OR <comma-delimited URL list>]
- bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=self
- >> to
- #bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=[none OR self OR <comma-delimited URL list>]
- bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=self' https://*.soton.ac.uk 'soton.ac.uk
- >>Note that this is the last line in the file
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification of above on each node.
- >> on each node
- cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties.template | grep "ancestors=self'"
- >> Result should be bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=self' https://*.soton.ac.uk 'soton.ac.uk
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: As bbuser edit the bb-config.properties file on each node and make the following five changes.
- >> Backing up file.
- >> On each node back up original bb-config.properties to /home/bbuser
- cp /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties /home/bbuser/bb-config.properties.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
- >> as bbuser
- >> on each node
- nano /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties
- _______________
- >> Change 1
- >> Change bbconfig.max.stacksize.tomcat=
- >> from 400k to 512k i.e.
- bbconfig.max.stacksize.tomcat=512k
- _______________
- >> Change 2
- >> Change bbconfig.jvm.options.extra.tomcat=
- >> So that whole section is replaced with
- bbconfig.jvm.options.extra.tomcat=-XX:NewSize=2048m -XX:MaxNewSize=2048m -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xss512k -XX:+PrintVMOptions -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTaskTimeStamps -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -Xverify:none -Djava.util.prefs.systemRoot=/home/bbuser/.java/
- >> N.B. Be careful of line breaks
- >> N.B. copy from SysDoc, print out will not show full text
- _______________
- >> Change 3
- >> Change bbconfig.jvm.options.gc=
- >> So that whole section is replaced with
- bbconfig.jvm.options.gc=-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=45 -XX:+UseStringDeduplication
- >> N.B. Be careful of line breaks
- >> N.B. copy from SysDoc, print out will not show full text
- _______________
- >> Change 4
- >> Check dmarc setting, ensure that:
- bbconfig.email.use.dmarc.from.override=false
- _______________
- >> Change 5
- >> Update click jacking setting to resolve issue where
- >> SCORM learning objects suffer disconnections
- >> Blackboard case #02455370
- >> Change
- #bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=[none OR self OR <comma-delimited URL list>]
- bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=self
- >> to
- #bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=[none OR self OR <comma-delimited URL list>]
- bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=self' https://*.soton.ac.uk 'soton.ac.uk
- >>Note that this is the last line the file.
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification, in either batch or individually...
- LINUX_ROLE: Batch verification steps that above five changes have been made successfully, perform on each node.
- >> On each node
- echo "Change 1";cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties | grep "bbconfig.max.stacksize.tomcat";echo "Change 2";cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties |grep "Djava";echo "Change 3";cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties |grep UseG1GC;echo "Change 4";cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties | grep "dmarc.from.override";echo "Change 5";cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/bb-config.properties | grep "ancestors=self'"
- >> Should result with:
- Change 1
- bbconfig.max.stacksize.tomcat=512k
- Change 2
- bbconfig.jvm.options.extra.tomcat=-XX:NewSize=2048m -XX:MaxNewSize=2048m -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xss512k -XX:+PrintVMOptions -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTaskTimeStamps -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -Xverify:none -Djava.util.prefs.systemRoot=/home/bbuser/.java/
- Change 3
- bbconfig.jvm.options.gc=-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=45 -XX:+UseStringDeduplication
- Change 4
- bbconfig.email.use.dmarc.from.override=false
- Change 5
- bbconfig.headers.CSP.frame-ancestors=self' https://*.soton.ac.uk 'soton.ac.uk
- LINUX_ROLE: Individual verification steps that above five changes have been made successfully on each node.[Expand]
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Apply xythos cross server communication fix on each node.
- >> On each node
- >> Backup file
- cp /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/server.xml.bb /home/bbuser/server.xml.bb.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
- >> On each node
- >> Edit /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/server.xml.bb
- nano /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/server.xml.bb
- >> find the stanza (near end of file around lines 203 - 207) defining the xythos admin connector and add secure="true" i.e.
- >> Currently it is:
- <Connector port="@bbconfig.xythosremoteadmin.xythos.servergroup.portnumber@"
- protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
- executor="crossServerExecutor"
- backlog="@@bbconfig.xythosremoteadmin.connector.backlog@@"
- enableLookups="false"
- keepAliveTimeout="@@bbconfig.appserver.http.keepalive.timeout@@"
- maxKeepAliveRequests="@@bbconfig.appserver.http.keepalive.requests@@"
- maxPostSize="@@bbconfig.appserver.max.post.size@@"
- maxParameterCount="@@bbconfig.appserver.max.parameter.count@@"
- soTimeout="@@bbconfig.appserver.http.so.timeout@@"
- URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>
- >> Change to:
- <Connector port="@bbconfig.xythosremoteadmin.xythos.servergroup.portnumber@"
- protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
- executor="crossServerExecutor"
- backlog="@@bbconfig.xythosremoteadmin.connector.backlog@@"
- enableLookups="false"
- keepAliveTimeout="@@bbconfig.appserver.http.keepalive.timeout@@"
- maxKeepAliveRequests="@@bbconfig.appserver.http.keepalive.requests@@"
- maxPostSize="@@bbconfig.appserver.max.post.size@@"
- maxParameterCount="@@bbconfig.appserver.max.parameter.count@@"
- soTimeout="@@bbconfig.appserver.http.so.timeout@@"
- URIEncoding="UTF-8"
- secure="true"/> <----- Part to add
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification step of above on each node.
- >> on each node
- cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/tomcat/conf/server.xml.bb |grep secure
- secure="true"
- secure="true"
- secure="true"/>
- APP_MNGR_ROLE and DBA: Apply workaround to issue LRN-107071: High CPU and High Load Caused by Script MicrosoftDocumentParser.sh by adding lines to /usr/local/blackboard/config/internal/xythos-indexing-filter.txt detailed here: MicrosoftContentParser failure - java.lang.Exception
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Edit the /usr/local/blackboard/config/service-config.properties on all nodes EXCEPT tasks node to ensure that tasks node is the only node set to carry out background tasks, thus optimising performance of web facing end user nodes.
- As bbuser
- on all nodes except tasks node (web1,web2,web3,web4)
- Edit the file /usr/local/blackboard/config/service-config.properties
- nano /usr/local/blackboard/config/service-config.properties
- and alter the line
- blackboard.service.queuedtaskmanager.param.num-concurrent-tasks=2
- to read
- blackboard.service.queuedtaskmanager.param.num-concurrent-tasks=0
- >> and change logging level to fatal on all nodes but tasks node
- blackboard.service.log.param.logdef.services.verbosity=fatal
- LINUX_ROLE: Verification of above step:
- >>On web nodes (web1,web2,web3,web4)
- cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/service-config.properties |grep blackboard.service.queuedtaskmanager.param.num-concurrent-tasks ;cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/service-config.properties |grep blackboard.service.log.param.logdef.services.verbosity
- >>should return
- blackboard.service.queuedtaskmanager.param.num-concurrent-tasks=0
- blackboard.service.log.param.logdef.services.verbosity=fatal
- On tasks node (task node)
- cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/service-config.properties |grep blackboard.service.queuedtaskmanager.param.num-concurrent-tasks ;cat /usr/local/blackboard/config/service-config.properties |grep blackboard.service.log.param.logdef.services.verbosity
- >>should return
- blackboard.service.queuedtaskmanager.param.num-concurrent-tasks=2
- blackboard.service.log.param.logdef.services.verbosity=warning
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: As bbuser, run pushconfigupdates.sh on each node, tasks node (task node) first, and having checked we can login via the GUI, continue with web nodes (web1-web4) to ensure all new settings in bb-config.properties have been propagated. Note that we are exporting the output to a log file for investigation if required. Blackboard will start once completed.
- >> As bbuser
- >> Tasks node first
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin/
- ./PushConfigUpdates.sh | tee -a /home/bbuser/pushconfig-stage5.txt.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") 2>&1
- >> On big tv
- tail -f /home/bbuser/pushconfig-stage5.txt.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
- >>during the process
- >>check BB_ADMIN_ROLE can login through GUI
- >>then web nodes, one at a time after checking BB_ADMIN_ROLE can log into each one
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin/
- ./PushConfigUpdates.sh | tee -a /home/bbuser/pushconfig-stage5.txt.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") 2>&1
- >> On big tv
- tail -f /home/bbuser/pushconfig-stage5.txt.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
- >>during the process
- ALL: In the Dev 1 upgrade this failed due to the setting for bbconfig.database.stats.maxpoolsize being reset by pushconfigupdates.sh to bbconfig.database.stats.maxpoolsize=@bbconfig.database.stats.maxpoolsize@ We reset this back to We reset this back to the value shown in our backup and then pushconfig succeeded.
- ALL: In the Dev 2 upgrade this failed due to the setting for bbconfig.max.heapsize.tomcat being reset by pushconfigupdates.sh to bbconfig.max.heapsize.tomcat=@bbconfig.max.heapsize.tomcat@ We reset this back to the value shown in our backup and then pushconfig succeeded.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Restore login page by
- >> As bbuser
- >> On tasks node task node
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin/
- ./AuthenticationOneTimeLogin.sh -u administrator
- >> Login with link and pass provided
- Then navigate to System Admin, Brands and Themes, Customise Login page, Replace Customised Page
- Upload latest login page held in J:\iSolutions\Service Delivery\eLearning\Blackboard\Configuration\front_page
- >> If required update gateway page
- /usr/local/blackboard/content/vi/bb_bb60/branding/
- nano gateway.bb
- Check you can log in
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Restart ActiveMQ on tasks node to ensure that it is running correctly before we begin testing.
- >> as bbuser
- >> on tasks node
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin
- ./ServiceController.sh services.activemqbroker.restart
- LINUX_ROLE: Take COLD VMware snapshot #3 (including db and NFS server).
Stage 7 – GUI configuration changes and UAT
This stage encompasses changes made by BB_ADMIN_ROLE team via the GUI and testing.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Stop Blackboard on all nodes except for tasks node.
- >>On all nodes, except tasks node.
- service blackboard stop
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Uninstall building blocks.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Make unavailable the following unused building blocks to save Java RAM usage:
- >>as bbuser
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bbgs-nbc-content-integration
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bb-word-cleanup
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bb-auth-provider-cas
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bb-auth-provider-shibboleth
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bb-data-integration-ims-xml
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bb-data-integration-lis
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bb-data-integration-lis-final
- ./B2Manager.sh -s UNAVAILABLE bb-data-integration-ss-xml
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Make inactive the following unused building blocks to save Java RAM usage:
- >>as bbuser
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-cx-ext-angel-plgnhndl
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-cx-ext-ce4-plgnhndl
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-cx-ext-vista-plgnhndl
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-ce4-ext-plgnhndl
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-vista-ext-plgnhndl
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-cookie-disclosure
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bbgs-nbc-content-integration
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-word-cleanup
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-auth-provider-cas
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-auth-provider-shibboleth
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-data-integration-ims-xml
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-data-integration-lis
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-data-integration-lis-final
- ./B2Manager.sh -s INACTIVE bb-data-integration-ss-xml
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: On tasks node upload the following Building Blocks via GUI.
- [removed]
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Check Panopto settings:
- >>The following needs to be unticked
- Blackboard course copy also copies Panopto permissions
- >>Note this is last setting on the page.
- >>These settings should already be set
- User Opt In – Yes
- Email Instructors - No
- Redirect to Blackboard Default Login – No
- Grant TA Creator Access – Yes
- Allow TAs to Create Panopto Course Tool Links – No
- Grant TA Provisioning Access – Yes
- Provisioning by administrators only – No
- Panopto link on course menu when provisioned – No
- Panopto Link Text - Recorded Sessions
- Instructors may create folders - No
- Allow all courses to be reset – No
- Verbose logging – No
- Assign custom role mappings – [BLANK]
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Check that Rubrics Building Block is available.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Restart Blackboard on Tasks node.
- service blackboard restart
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Update the "partner cloud" building block via GUI
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Restart Blackboard on Tasks node.
- service blackboard restart
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Update the "Blackboard Mobile Web Services" building block via GUI
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Restart Blackboard on Tasks node.
- service blackboard restart
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Check Blackboard Mobile Web Services Building Block > Server Registration Settings:
- Environment: Production
- Authentication Type: Native
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Update the "Dropbox Integration" building block via GUI
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Make Blackboard Collaborate and Collaborate Ultra Building Blocks inactive.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Make Dropbox Integration Building Block Unavailable.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Restart Blackboard on Tasks node.
- service blackboard restart
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Check you can log in to Tasks node via GUI.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Start Blackboard on web nodes, one node at a time. Check you can log in before starting the next node.
- >>as bbuser
- >>on web nodes, one node at a time. Check you can log in before starting the next node.
- service blackboard start
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE:Setup Qwickly
- Building Blocks > Qwickly > Settings
- Set ID as [removed]
- Set this is a Production System
- Tick:
- Course Availability
- Post announcement
- Send Email/
- Don't tick email instructors
- Untick Needs Grading
- Tick Teaching Assistant
- Submit Settings
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE:Setup Qwickly link in Tool Panel.
- System Admin > Tabs and Modules > Tool Panel
- Check Enterprise Surveys, Goals, Goal Performance, Observer Dashboard, Academic Materials, User directory, Address book are all unavailable.
- Add Tool
- Name: "Instructor Quick Tools"
- Tool: Qwickly
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Check Spell checking settings:
- SysAdmin Panel
- Spell Check Dictionaries
- Check UK English set as default
- Make US English unavailable
- Make Spanish unavailable
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Enable new language pack
- SysAdmin Panel
- Language Packs
- Make Norweigian available
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Update Tool Settings:
- SysAdmin Panel
- Tools ->
- Dropbox Intergration -> Set all off
- Goal -> Set all off
- Open Photo Roster
- Course Tool > ON > UNLOCK > New and existing
- Pearson Custom Integration
- Set all to Off > Unlock > New and existing
- Pearson's MyLab & Mastering
- Set all to Off > Unlock > New and existing
- Qwickly:
- Qwickly Tools Course Tool - Off
- Qwickly Attendance - Off and Lock
- Qwickly Cloud Assignment - Off and Lock
- Qwickly Cloud Link VTBE Mashup - Off and Lock
- Qwickly Take Attendance - Off and Lock
- Qwickly Attendance - Off and Lock
- Qwickly Attendance - Off and Lock
- Qwickly Tools (System Tool) - On
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Disable Open Photo Roster on the following large courses by
- enter course
- click Control Panel -> Customisation -> Tool Availability
- find Open Photo Roster
- untick box
- submit
- Follow this link for list of courses on which tool should be disabled:
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Enable "forgot your password?" link.
- Sys Admin
- Gateway Options
- Request Forgotten Password > Enable
- URL for Forgotten Password: https://subscribe.soton.ac.uk/
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Restart ActiveMQ on tasks node to ensure that it is running correctly before we begin testing.
- >> as bbuser
- >> on tasks node
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin
- ./ServiceController.sh services.activemqbroker.restart
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: UAT Blackboard via GUI on all nodes.
Stage 8 – Restart Test
In this stage we check that Blackboard restarts ok.
- LINUX_ROLE: Perform vApp stop of Blackboard nodes in line with standard method used for patching.
- LINUX_ROLE: Perform vApp start of Blackboard nodes in line with standard method used for patching.
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Once Blackoard available again, restart ActiveMQ on tasks node to ensure that it is running correctly.
- >> as bbuser
- >> on tasks node
- cd /usr/local/blackboard/tools/admin
- ./ServiceController.sh services.activemqbroker.restart
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Check you can log into web nodes.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Make a non-immediate announcement on each node, to test later that ActiveMQ is working. Emails should appear within an hour.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: On each node, add a new item to a test course and check it appears ok.
Stage 9 – Wash-up
This stage involves tidying up after successful testing.
- DBA: Reset DB passwords for sys, system; remove duplicate table back up from passwords section above.
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Remove backups of zip files and uncompressed directories.
- >> As bbuser
- On each node
- rm /home/bbuser/login.zip
- rm -rf /home/bbuser/login-extracted
- >> On tasks node
- rm /home/bbuser/snapshotfiles.zip
- rm /home/bbuser/data_integration.zip
- rm -rf /home/bbuser/data_integration-extracted
- rm -rf /home/bbuser/snapshotfiles-extracted
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Remove copied licence file.
- >> As bbuser
- rm /home/bbuser/blackboard-license.xml
- APP_MNGR_ROLE: Remove installer directory.
- >> As root
- rm -rf /usr/local/bbinstaller
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Remove password from this documentation.
Stage 10 – GO-LIVE
- LINUX_ROLE: Following confirmation by BB_ADMIN_ROLE, make Blackboard live via NLB.
- BB_ADMIN_ROLE: Announce service availability via twitter @uos_BB_ADMIN_ROLE and blackboard-users@lists mailing list.
- LINUX_ROLE: Assuming all successful, and with agreement of BB_ADMIN_ROLE, delete snapshots.
Summary of VMWare Snapshots
Note all snapshots are "cold" and include all nodes, db, and NFS.
Snapshot #1 – No changes have taken place. Snapshot included all nodes including db and NFS.
Snapshot #2 – Preliminary pre-upgrade work complete, passwords set correctly, Blackboard ready for upgrade.
Snapshot #3 – Blackboard upgraded but GUI based config not yet started.
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