A successful upgrade

This was originally posted on  Jul 7, 2017. 

Last weekend we successfully upgraded from 2015 Q4 CU1 to 2016 Q4 CU3.

The upgrade worked out great.  We only hit two issues.

Issue 1: File permissions.

We had to extend the amount that we fixed the file ownership from:

find /data/bb/blackboard/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -not -name content | xargs -I {} chown -R bbuser\: {}


find /data/bb/blackboard/ -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -not -name content | xargs -I {} chown -R bbuser\: {}

Issue 2: Resolutions to high CPU due to MicrosoftDocumentParser

It turned out that the solution we had been provided by Blackboard was incomplete.  Immediately after upgrading we hit high CPU load and due to the MicrosoftDocumentParser.  We found Chris Filkins post MicrosoftContentParser failure - java.lang.Exception  and applied the fix stated there which resolved the issue.


Our upgrade status page that I mentioned in the post Communications during and after the upgrade worked well.  Here is a storify of our tweets during the upgrade:  UoS Blackboard Upgrade 2017 (with images, tweets) · uos_mle · Storify

I'm quite worn out after working twelve days in a row, so won't post more for now.


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